The Aptera Motors website is gradually, um, picking up speed. The rad new car they have for pre-order should be making cinematic appearances shortly, perhaps with L.A.’s on-loan-from-the-22nd-century Caltrans HQ as a background. Resembling a roadgoing Cessna, this alleged 230-mpg diesel-electric-hybrid-three-wheeler, sculpted from composites, insists that it’s personal transportation for the future. We’re thinking that it splits the difference between Minority Report’s insane, automated maglev freeways and the moody, spacefaring electric-plug-in culture of Gattaca. Less overall design than the former (Apteras are specifically intended to service commuters, who will not be driving their cars up the sides of high-rise buildings), more oomph than the latter (in which the Honda Insight-looking rides managed to resemble a fleet of large vacuum cleaners meandering among genetically superior, sensually attired astronauts). We have calls in to Harald Belker, who designed the Minority Report Lexus and is also responsible for several Batmobile iterations, for his thoughts on whether Aptera has prospects in Hollywood, beyond the celebrity-driveway circuit.
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